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FIUNYC. From Barcelona to the World

SEPT 24 | 6PM-9PM | WeWork Soho-West | 175 Varick Street, NYC



Spain Fresh is please to announce a collaboration with its brother platform FIU. We are proud to introduce to our followers this amazing initiative coming from Barcelona and to be presented in NYC next September 24th. 


"The emerging creativity from Barcelona takes a journey to New York, where its potential will be shared and discovered".

After the past two FIU editions that took place in Barcelona during the last year, and the FIU Tour, which mobilized hundreds of students of design and creativity in the Catalonian capital, it was the right time to do it: it had come the time to show the world what the new creative generation —which represents FIU Barcelona— is capable of.

New York, the Mecca of creativity and opportunities. An ideal environment to organize an event focused on promoting and giving voice to those representing the new creativity in Barcelona. “Taking FIU to New York is a dream come true. While facing this new opportunity, it is important to keep in mind which the real mission is for FIU Barcelona —providing ideal scenarios where the creative youth has a chance to reach their potential. No matter if it is in Barcelona or elsewhere in the world” the creators of FIU said. 

FIU Barcelona features a new event proposal, having an underlying structure as an event based on conferences and talks by and for young creatives, combined with the ‘creative cha-llenge’ formula.

Along with the renowned collective ART DIRECTORS CLUB, based on New York, FIU has made a selection of three creatives from Barcelona and three creatives from New York to form three creative couples. Each couple will work in the execution of a creative piece, which will be presented for the first time on the day of the event.


On September 24th, from 6pm to 9pm (local time in each city), the event will take place in both cities. It will be celebrated on the amazing space of WeWork Soho-West featuring a completely diverse audienc from professionals in the sector looking for new talent to young creatives interested in getting to know what their contemporaries do and the way they do it in New York CitY.


On the other hand, the event in Barcelona will take place on the new FIU premises: the Im-pact Hub’s co-working space located in Plaça Reial. The perfect place to welcome more than 150 participants willing to understand the working process followed by the three crea-tive couples in this very first FIUNYC edition, as well as hearing the evaluation from a profes-sional jury composed by both local designers and artists.

Also, in line with the “FIU Vibe”, both events will include live music, free beverages thanks to our beloved sponsors and an exhibition based on the on-line creativity of our @FIUBCN followers in social media. An awards ceremony will also take place, hosted by ADOBE, where one of the three artistic pieces executed by our three creative couples will be declared as winner.

To top all this, there will be a ‘FIU closing’ party with Live Dj performances, where the emer-ging talent of two of the most important world capitals in the sector will be able to connect.

“We gladly welcome you to the first FIU experience in the outer world. The first challenge to prove that it does not matter Where to create, but Why to create and continuously evolve since the very start of our careers. New York, Honolulu, Sao Paulo or London...It doesn’t matter the place where the creative talent is presented, it only matters the reason why it is presented: there is TONS of emerging talent in Barcelona. Now’s the time to bring it to light.”






FIUERS (selected emerging creatives)


Emily Parsons

Wael Morcos

Ricardo González


FIU GUESTS (guest speakers)


The Line Between
Spain Fresh, FIUNYC partner project



SEPT 24 | 6PM-9PM | WeWork Soho-West | 175 Varick Street, NYC




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