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Intervention for Connection | Chat Travieso

Chat Travieso is a Brooklyn-based artist, designer, and educator. His public art works have been commissioned by or organized in collaboration with the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, the Lower East Side Waterfront Alliance or The Architectural League of New York, between others. Chat Travieso creates playful and functional urban interventions and public art projects that build or reinforce social bonds in our public spaces. His work is an offering of uplifting and visually striking responses to people’s everyday needs.

Chat Travieso es un artista, diseñador y educador residente en Brooklyn. Sus obras de arte público han sido comisonadas y organizadas en colaboración con instituciones como the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, the Lower East Side Waterfront Alliance o The Architectural League of New York, entre otras. Chat Travieso crea intervenciones urbanas y obras de arte público lúdicas y funcionales que construyen o refuerzan los lazos sociales con nuestros espacios urbanos. Su trabajo ofrece una respuesta constructiva y llamativa a las necesidades cotidianas.

Getway | Chat Travieso, 2014

Getway | Chat Travieso, 2014

Sun Blocks | Chat Travieso, 2015

Sun Blocks | Chat Travieso, 2015

Word Play | Chat Travieso, 2013

Word Play | Chat Travieso, 2013


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